What should I eat for my immune system?

A well-balanced diet with a variety of plant foods can help to ensure your immune system is functioning properly. If a diet is nutritious, there may be no need for dietary supplements. The three nutrients important to maintain a healthy immune system is zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D. Zinc can be found in food […]
nurture inside out: pregnancy nutrition

As part of planning for a glowing pregnancy, have you considered your diet? It’s true that supplementation with key nutrients is important, but a nutritionally complete diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding helps to lay the vital foundations for a healthy mother, foetus and eventually, a thriving family. This is important to reduce the risks of […]

When a mother is breastfeeding a baby with an allergy or intolerance to dairy and/or soy proteins, these foods may need to be eliminated from the mother’s diet for 2-4 weeks, before possible reintroduction (under guidance of a health professional). These conditions include Cow’s Milk Allergy, Food Protein Induced Allergic Proctocolitis (FPIAP) and Food Protein-Induced […]

By Emma McShane & Nicole Bando Nutrition whilst breastfeeding is vital to optimise the health of both mother and baby. New motherhood is a very busy time, and many women put their own health last. A woman’s remarkable body will produce the live, biodynamic, complete food that is breastmilk that evolves with her baby’s growing […]
Dairy & kids: alternatives & full cream or low fat?

Dairy products contain 10 essential nutrients; calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, carbohydrate, protein, vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin B12 and zinc, important for healthy immune and blood systems, eyesight, muscle and nerve function, healthy bones, skin, energy, growth and repair of your body. If your child cannot have dairy, whether it be due to an allergy, intolerance […]
Allergy-friendly party food

If you are planning a party for children who have food allergies, it can seem overwhelming to know where to start. Follow these steps for safe and yummy party food. A food allergy is when a person’s immune system reacts to the protein in a food, causing symptoms such as hives, rashes or in more […]
Healthier party food

By Emma McShane, Dietitian. Edited by Nicole Bando, Dietitian & IBCLC, August 2022 At a party, a small amount of sugary food is okay, though it is important to ensure the majority of the food includes healthy options for children to ensure they are being nourished for growth & their best health. Children may have […]
Catering for Christmas? How to meal plan for the big day

Many people worry that eating too much on Christmas day will ruin their health goals, however some perspective can help. It is one day of the year, and is meant to be enjoyed, so don’t worry about your activity goals or healthy eating habits for this day. One day will not break the healthy habits […]
Eczema and Dairy

Eczema is a disorder of the immune system caused by an abnormal skin barrier, dryness and inflammation.30% of people with atopic dermatitis (eczema) also have an allergy. A food allergy may trigger eczema, but it is not the cause of the eczema. Some foods such as dairy may exacerbate eczema. Eczema can be normally well […]

Emma McShane, Dietitian References: National Healthy School Canteens: Guidelines for Healthy Foods and Drinks supplied in School Canteens. Breakfast Cereals. Australian Government: Department of Health, 2013. (Available from: https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/publications/publishing.nsf/Content/nhsc-guidelines~food-drink-table~breakfast-cereals, accessed September 3, 2021). National Healthy School Canteens: Guidelines for Healthy Foods and Drinks supplied in School Canteens. Savoury Snack Foods. Australian Government: Department of Health, […]