Nicole Bando | Dietitian & Lactation Consultant

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Food Allergies and Intolerances

Some babies take a little while to start their solids progression and mostly that is OK. Sometimes this is related to their feeding patterns (breastfeeds, formula feeds or mixed feeds) or development. If you are feeling concerned that your baby is not progressing with solids (either amount of food, type or texture), it’s a good idea to check in with a paediatric dietitian, GP or paediatrician, especially if by 7 months baby isn’t showing signs or interest or readiness. (continues below)

Our initial 60-minute consultation will explore yours and baby’s medical history, baby’s growth, behaviour and development and detailed understanding of what/why/how feeds and solids are provided, whether breast, bottle (expressed milk, formula) or both. I will ask you about what you have tried so far, how you are feeding your baby and your baby’s responses. I may ask you to take a video of solids feeds. Once the assessment is complete, I will explain the likely reasons related to your baby’s reduced interest in solids and highlight any nutrients that may be of concern.

​I will provide you with practical and easy to implement strategies to meet your family’s unique needs, to help your baby progress with their solid food intake and strike a balance between breast, bottle and food. Sometimes, a baby may have developed an aversion to solids or there may be medical or developmental reasons why a baby is not interested in solids.  I will refer you to other medical professionals or liaise with your current team as required. Follow-up appointment(s) are generally required and this will be discussed during our initial consultation. Depending on your baby’s progress and growth, a plan will be made to suit you.

​Some babies take a little longer to get going with solids. If you are worried, the proper support can give you the tools and confidence to feed your baby. To make a booking, please click the button below.

Additional resources:

How to introduce solids
Starting solids