Nicole Bando | Dietitian & Lactation Consultant

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Mastitis, blocked ducts and other breastfeeding concerns.

Dealing with mastitis, blocked ducts, white spot (milk bleb), thrush and vasospasm can feel challenging and overwhelming. Mastitis, blocked ducts, white spot or thrush can occur when breastfeeding attachment, positioning and breastfeeding patterns are not are not quite right, (such as timing breastfeeds or trying to stick to a feeding routine), and so the breast is not efficiently emptied. Oversupply, expressing habits, changes in baby’s feeding habits, stress, not eating well (mum), weaning and solids progression can also lead to these challenges. Vasospasm may occur due to changes in temperature and be exacerbated by nipple damage, so attachment and positioning are vital here too.

In our 90 minute initial assessment, I will give you the confidence to know that your baby is well-attached to the breast, drinking efficiently and emptying the breast. Breastfeeding management is the cornerstone to preventing mastitis and blocked ducts. I will observe a breastfeed and give you strategies to improve latch, positioning and attachment, show you what to look for and recognise signs that your baby is drinking milk and emptying the breast. I will guide you with how to recognise when your baby needs feeding, their hunger cues, when they have had enough milk and support you to tune into your ‘mummy instinct.’ I will help you to understand how your blocked ducts/mastitis/white spot may have occurred, to help you to avoid it again in the future.As needed, we will discuss breastfeeding, expressing, bottle feeding and baby’s solids intake, as well as make sure your baby is growing well. We will chat about your nutrition, to make sure you are eating enough to fuel yours and baby’s breastfeeding needs & discuss how the latest evidence can support your health. You will be provided with a management plan that we have discussed and agreed on, that meets you at your needs. I will refer you to, or liaise with your other healthcare professionals, if needed.

With the right support, these challenges can be overcome. To make a booking, please click the button below.

Additional resources:

Understanding mastitis