Children’s vitamins: are they necessary?

By Nicole Bando, May 13, 2021 Myriad colourful, fizzy, chewable children’s vitamins line pharmacy shelves, causing parents worry that their child may be lacking in vital nutrients. As a Paediatric Dietitian & Lactation Consultant, I am often asked ‘should I give my child a multivitamin?’ In most cases, a healthy child who is eating across […]
Do I need to burp my newborn baby?

It depends. As a Melbourne lactation consultant, this is one of the top questions I am asked by lovely new mums about their beautiful newborn babies. A breastfed baby takes in less air than a bottle fed baby & will generally bring up a burp in any position, without assistance. If your baby seems unsettled […]
Seasonal eating

Humans have lived according to the seasons for millennia. Seasonal eating is better for the environment as buying local, seasonal vegetables reduces food miles (i.e. how far the food has travelled to get to your plate), it is also more economical for a family. Transportation and additional packaging contribute to carbon emissions. Also, seasonal food […]
6 steps to reduce your family’s plastic waste

Plastic waste is affecting our main and freshwater ecosystem globally. One study suggests that 19 to 23 million metric tons entered our aquatic ecosystems in 2016. Waste in our oceans poses a great threat to our aquatic wildlife, which get caught up in plastic bags or attempt to eat plastics. Small steps to reduce plastic […]