How do I introduce solids to my baby?

INTRODUCTION TO SOLID FOODS,By Emma McShane, Dietitian The World Health Organisation states ‘infants should be exclusively breastfed for six months and after this time continue breastfeeding with appropriate introduction to solids’ (2020).When breastfeeding is not possible, bottle feeding is recommended. How do you know if your baby is ready for solid foods? Your baby has […]
Lolly bags, do they matter?

Children attend multiple parties every year. If each party provides lolly bags (alongside party food), our kids are likely to consume excessive amounts of sugar, with minimal nutrients. These foods take the place of healthier options and can impact healthy growth, mood & concentration, not to mention the copious plastic packaging that ends up in […]
Fruit: how much a day?

Fruit contains vital nutrients including fibre, slow release carbohydrates, and myriad vitamins, minerals, plant nutrients & antioxidants (prevent damage to cells). The amount of fruit an individual needs depends on their age and stage. The type of sugar found in fruit is generally slow release energy and different to the free sugar added to processed […]
Children, water and other drinks:

Water is essential for our body’s vital functions; to maintain healthy cells, eliminate by-products and excess electrolytes (salts), regulate body temperature, aid digestion and more. In a child over 12 months, it is the first choice of fluid. Many drinks (other than milk and water) contain sugar (or artificial sweeteners), colourings and limited nutrients. These […]
Dairy allergy & lactose intolerance in children

Dairy is a common allergy in babies. In Australia and New Zealand, more than 2% of infants are allergic to cow’s milk protein. Mild or moderate signs of a dairy allergy include:– Swelling of lips, face, eyes– Hives or welts on the skin– Stomach pain– Vomiting– Diarrhoea Severe rapid onset […]
looking after yourself as a new mum

Weight loss is of common interest amongst women after having a baby, and with a healthy diet and exercise, much of the weight gained during pregnancy will be lost naturally during the first year. Gentle weight loss is recommended only after the first month postpartum, unless very significant pregnancy weight gain has occurred. It’s not […]
bliss balls: hit or miss?

Thanks to Victoria Hobbs, Deakin University for data collection. It’s time to examine a snack that has been trending for some time; the bliss ball. Are they actually a healthy snack and what sort of marketing tricks to the companies use to lure us in? I look at kilojoules/calories per serve, as well as fibre, […]
dairy & toddlers

Calcium is an essential nutrient for building healthy bones and teeth. The majority of our body’s store (99%) is found in the skeleton. The major source of calcium in our diet is dairy; though it is present in other foods too. Many parents report that their toddlers drink milk before bedtime and worry that stopping […]
netflix game changers: a review

By Nicole Bando, Dietitian & Lactation Consultant, November 2019 I’ll start by saying that I’m all for encouraging people to eat healthier food. There is absolute scientific consensus that we cannot sustain a future population of 10 billion people with our current diet and food production methods. An urgent, systematic review of how we produce, […]
How do I deal with my toddler’s fussy eating?

1) Is it normal for a toddler to be a fussy eater?By Melbourne Dietitian, Nicole Bando As a children’s dietitian, this is a commonly asked question. Many parents feel concerned about the variety and quantity of food their toddler eats. A fussy eater is defined as a child who refuses to try a new food […]