Nicole Bando | Dietitian & Lactation Consultant

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quick guide: labels

By Nicole Bando, Dietitian & Lactation Consultant Click below to download my quick supermarket label reading guide.Image courtesy of label_reading_shopping_guide.pdf Share

Babies & constipation

By Nicole Bando, Family & Paediatric Dietitian & Lactation Consultant Constipation in babies occurs when a baby’s poo or stool in hard and difficult to pass. I spend a lot of time talking baby’s poo, as what goes in must come out! There is variation in how often babies poo, related to feed type; breast, […]

What to expect when you meet a Lactation Consultant

As a Melbourne-based Lactation Consultant, I offer home visits or clinic consultations for an initial 1.5 hour visit. I often think I have the world’s best job, meeting babies and their wonderful parents. It is a privilege to be involved in a new family’s most precious, earliest moments. I am a health professional (Family & […]

4 ways to look after yourself during lockdown

This post appeared in the Australian Physiotherapy Association’s Women’s, Men’s and Pelvic Health News Report, May 2020By Nicole Bando Routine Stick to your regular meals and snacks to give structure to the day, minimise time spent in the kitchen and avoid grazing. Make sure to schedule a lunch break between Telehealth or clinic patients and […]


Breastfeeding is a normal, learnt skill that takes time and practice.Breastmilk provides all the nutrition your baby needs for the first 6 months of their life.From the age of 6 months, children should begin eating safe and adequate complementary foods while continuing to breastfeed for up to 2 years and beyond (WHO, UNICEF) What are […]

How do kid’s parties fit in with healthy eating?

We have lots of parties on the weekend, how do we manage to eat healthily as a family? Children have a lot of parties to attend, which may make it seem hard to establish healthy eating patterns. These tips can help you navigate busy social times: Make sure you feed your child as usual leading […]

Are rice crackers a healthy choice?

Thank you kindly to Victoria Hobbs for data collection.Please note that our product review is unbiased, we receive no remuneration or commercial endorsement. Rice crackers take up almost half a supermarket aisle and have become a daily snack in many diets; children love them. Are they are a healthy choice and how often should they […]