Nicole Bando | Dietitian & Lactation Consultant

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By Emma McShane & Nicole Bando


There is a lot of pressure from society on women to ‘bounce back’ to their pre-pregnancy weight, however, this is not realistic nor recommended. Some of the weight gained during pregnancy is used to fuel breastfeeding, which is why breastfeeding can help a woman gradually return to her pre-pregnancy weight. Weight loss is recommended at the rate of around 2kg loss per month, as this does not affect breast milk production. It takes 9 months to grow a baby, so it is expected to take 9-12 months to return to pre-pregnancy weight. It helps to be patient, realistic and kind to the incredible body capable of growing a child. Restricting eating can affect not only a mother’s health but can reduce milk supply and impact a woman’s bone health.

Aim to be intuitive with eating (e.g. listen to hunger cues), choose whole foods from the core food groups and avoid too many high sugar and high fat treat foods to help weight loss to occur gradually. See these posts on a woman’s special needs whilst breastfeeding: and


Mothers who are vegan or vegetarian are at high risk of nutrient deficiencies, in particular; protein, iron, calcium, Vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients can mostly be obtained from plant-based products, except for Vitamin B12, which is mainly found in animal products. In some cases, a blood test to check levels, and a B12 supplement may be required.

Some babies may have intolerances or allergies to proteins present in their mother’s breast milk. The most common allergies are cow’s milk, soy, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts. Avoidance of the particular protein in the mother’s diet may be needed. However, each mother and baby duo is different, so seek medical advice from a doctor and dietitian before excluding food group(s). If a mother needs to exclude a particular protein, the nutrients from that food will need to be replaced with alternative foods (e.g. alternatives to cow’s milk for adequate calcium).

Mothers who have close pregnancies are at higher risk of nutrient deficiencies, as the nutrient reserves in the body may not have been fully replenished before the next pregnancy. Iron is at most risk of deficiency, as the body may not have had time to fully replenish the stores lost during pregnancy. Supplementation of this nutrient, as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc, and essential fatty acids may be needed but it is important to seek support and guidance from a dietitian who can accurately assess your dietary intake and blood levels of these nutrients. Women who have had multiples (e.g. twins) have greater demands for nutrition and need an additional 2000kJ in energy, per baby, as well as increased vitamin and mineral needs.

There have been multiple studies that have investigated the impact of bariatric surgery on breastfeeding. People who have had bariatric surgery may be at greater risk of nutrient deficiencies, as the surgery can change how nutrients are absorbed, so it is important to check levels of vitamins and minerals before, or at the start of pregnancy, to see if supplementation is needed. A study investigating the composition of breastmilk, comparing nourished mothers who had undergone weight-loss surgery and those that had not, found there was no significant difference in nutrient composition between the two. This, however, takes into account that it is important to still consume a balanced diet. As some bariatric surgeries may result in ongoing complications e.g. reflux or reduced food consumption or absorption, which all may affect nutrient intake, it is important to seek support from a dietitian.

Breastfeeding is important in babies who are premature or of low body weight as breastfeeding can reduce the risk of the baby developing medical complications. The production of milk components starts in pregnant women before 22 weeks of pregnancy, so even with very premature babies, most mothers can produce colostrum. Breastfeeding may be difficult if a baby is in the neonatal intensive care unit, requiring some mothers to express breastmilk. There are multiple barriers for both mother and baby to overcome when breastfeeding a premature, or low birth weight baby, such as a delayed or traumatic start to breastfeeding, and maternal stress. Recent studies however have shown that there is a higher rate of breastmilk feeding amongst very low birth weight infants, often due to mothers recognising the fragile health of their baby and the benefits of breastfeeding.

Good nutrition at this time is vital to cope with the energy demands of expressing and or breastfeeding, to maintain supply and provide energy to cope during a stressful time, and to replete nutrient stores used during pregnancy. Follow the general nutrition advice set out above. If you have experienced a bumpy start to breastfeeding, seek guidance from a lactation consultant.

Some women experience severe nausea/vomiting during pregnancy that can affect the quality and quantity of food consumed. It is important during this time to eat high-energy and protein foods such as eggs, dairy, and meats/meat alternatives. Try having cold foods, as hot foods and their smells can exacerbate nausea. If nausea/vomiting continues, seek advice from a doctor and dietitian to see if supplementation of specific nutrients is needed. A woman who has experienced severe nausea and vomiting in pregnancy may be at greater risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies and will need extra help to replenish her stores.

By Emma McShane & Nicole Bando


There is a lot of pressure from society on women to ‘bounce back’ to their pre-pregnancy weight, however, this is not realistic nor recommended. Some of the weight gained during pregnancy is used to fuel breastfeeding, which is why breastfeeding can help a woman gradually return to her pre-pregnancy weight. Weight loss is recommended at the rate of around 2kg loss per month, as this does not affect breast milk production. It takes 9 months to grow a baby, so it is expected to take 9-12 months to return to pre-pregnancy weight. It helps to be patient, realistic and kind to the incredible body capable of growing a child. Restricting eating can affect not only a mother’s health but can reduce milk supply and impact a woman’s bone health.

Aim to be intuitive with eating (e.g. listen to hunger cues), choose whole foods from the core food groups and avoid too many high sugar and high fat treat foods to help weight loss to occur gradually. See these posts on a woman’s special needs whilst breastfeeding: and


Mothers who are vegan or vegetarian are at high risk of nutrient deficiencies, in particular; protein, iron, calcium, Vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients can mostly be obtained from plant-based products, except for Vitamin B12, which is mainly found in animal products. In some cases, a blood test to check levels, and a B12 supplement may be required.

Some babies may have intolerances or allergies to proteins present in their mother’s breast milk. The most common allergies are cow’s milk, soy, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts. Avoidance of the particular protein in the mother’s diet may be needed. However, each mother and baby duo is different, so seek medical advice from a doctor and dietitian before excluding food group(s). If a mother needs to exclude a particular protein, the nutrients from that food will need to be replaced with alternative foods (e.g. alternatives to cow’s milk for adequate calcium).

Mothers who have close pregnancies are at higher risk of nutrient deficiencies, as the nutrient reserves in the body may not have been fully replenished before the next pregnancy. Iron is at most risk of deficiency, as the body may not have had time to fully replenish the stores lost during pregnancy. Supplementation of this nutrient, as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc, and essential fatty acids may be needed but it is important to seek support and guidance from a dietitian who can accurately assess your dietary intake and blood levels of these nutrients. Women who have had multiples (e.g. twins) have greater demands for nutrition and need an additional 2000kJ in energy, per baby, as well as increased vitamin and mineral needs.

There have been multiple studies that have investigated the impact of bariatric surgery on breastfeeding. People who have had bariatric surgery may be at greater risk of nutrient deficiencies, as the surgery can change how nutrients are absorbed, so it is important to check levels of vitamins and minerals before, or at the start of pregnancy, to see if supplementation is needed. A study investigating the composition of breastmilk, comparing nourished mothers who had undergone weight-loss surgery and those that had not, found there was no significant difference in nutrient composition between the two. This, however, takes into account that it is important to still consume a balanced diet. As some bariatric surgeries may result in ongoing complications e.g. reflux or reduced food consumption or absorption, which all may affect nutrient intake, it is important to seek support from a dietitian.

Breastfeeding is important in babies who are premature or of low body weight as breastfeeding can reduce the risk of the baby developing medical complications. The production of milk components starts in pregnant women before 22 weeks of pregnancy, so even with very premature babies, most mothers can produce colostrum. Breastfeeding may be difficult if a baby is in the neonatal intensive care unit, requiring some mothers to express breastmilk. There are multiple barriers for both mother and baby to overcome when breastfeeding a premature, or low birth weight baby, such as a delayed or traumatic start to breastfeeding, and maternal stress. Recent studies however have shown that there is a higher rate of breastmilk feeding amongst very low birth weight infants, often due to mothers recognising the fragile health of their baby and the benefits of breastfeeding.

Good nutrition at this time is vital to cope with the energy demands of expressing and or breastfeeding, to maintain supply and provide energy to cope during a stressful time, and to replete nutrient stores used during pregnancy. Follow the general nutrition advice set out above. If you have experienced a bumpy start to breastfeeding, seek guidance from a lactation consultant.

Some women experience severe nausea/vomiting during pregnancy that can affect the quality and quantity of food consumed. It is important during this time to eat high-energy and protein foods such as eggs, dairy, and meats/meat alternatives. Try having cold foods, as hot foods and their smells can exacerbate nausea. If nausea/vomiting continues, seek advice from a doctor and dietitian to see if supplementation of specific nutrients is needed. A woman who has experienced severe nausea and vomiting in pregnancy may be at greater risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies and will need extra help to replenish her stores.

Easy meal and snack ideas for new parents

By Emma McShane & Nicole Bando

New mothers need quick, convenient, and nutritious snacks and meals (see ideas & sample meal plan, below).
Choose carbohydrate foods that provide a slow, sustained release of energy, such as wholegrains e.g. wholemeal bread with seeds, oats, fruit, dairy, and starchy vegetables, such as sweet potato. These foods manage appetite and help to avoid sugar crashes. Avoid large quantities of high sugar, high-fat foods; these provide a quick release of energy, followed by a crash in blood sugar and energy levels, which can increase feelings of hunger and impact mood levels. Of course, the occasional chocolate or treat is OK.

Include a couple of pieces of fruit, and vegetables at least twice per day, dairy/dairy alternatives three times each day, lean meats (or alternatives), and healthy fats e.g. omega 3 & 6 fatty acids (from fish, nuts, etc.) three times each day.
For more information about the nutritional needs of breastfeeding mums, see these articles: Breastfeeding & Nutrition: and Weight loss after baby and special diets/situations:


  • Omelettes loaded with frozen vegetables and cheese.
  • Stir-fries with frozen vegetables and rice noodles.
  • Pita bread with vegetables and low fat cheese as a cheats pizza
  • BBQ chicken in wraps with salad mix.
  • Meals that can be eaten hot or hold such as frittata, zucchini slice
  • Serve grain foods like rice, pasta, quinoa or couscous with main-meals such as stir-fries, curries and casseroles.
  • Buy meat and vegetables already diced


  • Boiled eggs
  • Individual serves of yoghurt
  • Cut-up vegetable sticks and fruit
  • Nuts & seeds
  • Canned fish, canned beans and lentils
  • Leftovers – on their own or in a toasted sandwich
  • Cheese and crackers

Download my easy list, below:


By Emma McShane & Nicole Bando

Nutrition whilst breastfeeding is vital to optimise the health of both mother and baby. New motherhood is a very busy time, and many women put their own health last. A woman’s remarkable body will produce the live, biodynamic, complete food that is breastmilk that evolves with her baby’s growing needs. Milk production is robust and will only be affected in very extreme circumstances. The average woman produces 750mls of breastmilk per day, from 1-6 months. Fat stores accumulated during pregnancy are used to fuel milk production when baby arrives, though this does not cover all of the energy needed to produce breastmilk. Some elements of breastmilk are impacted by a woman’s diet and those that follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, are at greater risk of vitamin and mineral deficiencies.


  • Adequate nutrition can help with coping with a new baby and the adjustment to motherhood, mood, and energy levels. Restrictive eating during breastfeeding can impact mood, milk supply, overall coping, and bone health.
  • Certain nutrients in breastmilk, such as lactose and protein are fairly constant, however the fat content of breastmilk changes according to how empty the breast is. The types of fatty acids and quantities of iodine and Vitamin B12 are also affected by the mother’s diet.
  • A mother’s varied diet exposes baby to different flavours and tastes, which will help baby to accept a wider range of solid foods, including fruit and vegetables.
  • Regular nutritious meals and snacks are important to nourish both mother, and baby. There is no need to aim for dietary perfection.

An extra 2000kJ per day is needed for a breastfeeding mother, though this can change depending on individual needs. This is equivalent to a serving of spaghetti Bolognese with cheese (1 cup pasta and ½ cup sauce), or a bowl of porridge with apple, yoghurt, and nuts (½ cup uncooked oats, made with 1 cup of milk, 1 apple and a handful of nuts) or a combination of snacks throughout the day, such as yoghurt (¾ cup), popcorn (small packet/1 cup), crumpets, and peanut butter (1 crumpet with 1 tb of nut butter). Studies show that not eating enough can directly impact milk supply and composition, so a wholesome diet is vital to fuel both mother and baby.

Breastmilk production requires fluid, so a breastfeeding woman requires more fluid than usual. The amount depends on various factors such as weather conditions, activity levels, and the food eaten. Be guided by your body, and ensure you’re drinking water consistently throughout the day.

Caffeine transfers directly into breastmilk, so avoid large quantities of caffeinated drinks when breastfeeding. 1% of caffeine enters breastmilk and peaks an hour after consumption. A newborn baby can take up to 160 hours to process caffeine, however by 6 months that drops to 2-3 hours, so an older baby is able to better tolerate caffeine. A morning latte or a few cups of tea across the day might not cause any issue, but observe baby; a mother may consider changing to a decaffeinated tea or coffee if she notices that her baby is very wakeful after her morning coffee. A moderate amount of caffeine a day, such as two cups of coffee (latte or espresso), three cups of instant coffee or four cups of tea is usually fine. Remember that sources of caffeine include: cola, chocolate, tea, guarana, and energy drinks.

Caffeine can also affect the let-down (the milk ejection reflex) and worsen nipple vasospasm (occurs when blood vessels tighten and spasm, causing nipple pain).

The safest option while pregnant and breastfeeding is to avoid alcohol altogether, as it can reduce breastmilk production and impact baby’s growth and development. Alcohol is present in breastmilk in the same levels as the bloodstream and it takes approximately 2-3 hours for the mother’s body to clear the alcohol in one standard drink. This time increases with each drink consumed. So if choosing to consume alcohol, wait around 2 hours before breastfeeding. Any milk expressed before the 2-hour window will need to be discarded, as it is not safe for the baby to consume. If there are times where a mother plans on drinking more than one standard alcoholic drink, plan ahead and express some breast milk beforehand to feed baby during this time. Below are two links to resources for further information:

Any amount of breastfeeding increases a woman’s dietary requirements, however given the wide variation in breast milk production when mixed feeding, it can be difficult to estimate. A woman should use her appetite as a guide and may require additional foods from the core groups. A dietitian can help to guide this.

Oats: Many women wonder if oats or lactation cookies help with milk supply, however, there is no clear evidence to support this.
Fenugreek: There is poor quality and limited evidence to suggest that fenugreek increases milk supply.
Breastfeeding with good attachment, flexibly and frequently is the best way to protect milk supply.