As a Melbourne-based Lactation Consultant, I offer home visits or clinic consultations for an initial 1.5 hour visit. I often think I have the world’s best job, meeting babies and their wonderful parents. It is a privilege to be involved in a new family’s most precious, earliest moments. I am a health professional (Family & Children’s Dietitian) with additional specialist training in breastfeeding management & counselling, baby sleep and settling.
I will aim to understand your specific goals and concerns, such as: damaged or sore nipples, latching problems, worries about oversupply or low supply, baby’s growth, mastitis, thrush, blocked ducts, how to mix feed & which formula to use, how to introduce solids & general questions, such as ‘how do I know when my baby is full?’ or ‘is my baby getting enough milk?’ or ‘is my baby’s poo normal?’. I will take a detailed history about your pregnancy and birth and the overall health of mum and baby. I will assess how your baby is growing, by plotting their weight, height and head circumference on growth charts and then explain the charts to you. I assess baby’s appearance, behaviour, sleep & output (number of dirty and wet nappies). I understand that newborn sleep & feeding patterns can be unpredictable and I will guide you with questions to enable an accurate assessment.
I will examine your breast and nipple health, followed by observation of a breast or bottle (or both) feed & an expressing session (if needed). I assess how the baby is positioned, feeding, breathing and swallowing at the breast or bottle and will explain to you what I see. During the feed, I will make suggestions to improve the latch for a comfortable and efficient breastfeed and have you and your baby fitting together like a gorgeous puzzle. I will also have a look inside your baby’s mouth, to check for tongue tie & assess your baby’s sucking pattern.
As a Dietitian, I might also ask about your eating habits, to make sure that you are looking after yourself, as rapid weight loss, or not eating properly can also affect supply, and impact overall energy levels and coping. In the early days of sleep deprivation with a newborn baby, a mum needs all the energy she can get. Here are some quick tips on easy meals and snacks for new families.
I will talk you through every part of the assessment and answer all your breast & bottle feeding, baby sleep and settling questions and provide you with options for management to best fit you and your family. We will make plans for follow up as needed. You will be provided with written recommendations, resources & local support information. With your consent, I will liaise with other members of your healthcare team, such as your GP or paediatrician. I phone my families within a few days of the initial lactation consultation to see how things are developing. I would love the privilege to meet you and your little one, please contact me on 8840 1652 to discuss your family’s needs.
Image courtesy of Colin Maynard on Unsplash