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Fish, eggs & 5 a day: your questions answered

Eggs: how many is too many?

Eggs are a great source of nutrition, including protein, iron, choline, Vitamin D, B12, and selenium. Eggs contain heart healthy monounsaturated fats and also some saturated fat (which can increase cholesterol in excess). Include up to seven eggs a week, this won’t increase risk of heart disease. Those at increased risk of heart disease can eat up to six eggs per week.

How often should I eat fish?

Research supports including 2-3 portions of fish per week. Try to choose sustainably sourced fish and limit high mercury options, such as shark, swordfish, barramundi, orange roughy and ling. Low mercury fish include salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines and shellfish.
Fish are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids (unsaturated fats – known as good fats!) which contributes to brain health and development and reduces risk of heart disease.
Protein, selenium, zinc, iodine, and vitamins A and D are other important nutrients in fish.

Vegetables: what’s 5 a day?

We may have all heard that adults need five serves of vegetables a day. To help figure this out, a serve of vegetables is ½ cup of cooked vegetables, canned or cooked legumes, or 1 cup of green leafy vegetables or chopped salad. To achieve this, aim to include half a plate of vegetables at lunch and dinner.

Did you know that toddlers need 2-3 serves per day, increasing to 5 serves by aged 9? A great way to increase vegetable intake, is to offer them 2-3 times per day, for important nutrients, including potassium, fibre, Vitamins C & A. Eat from the rainbow by choosing lots of different coloured vegetables. If 5 a day feels a bit tricky, start small and try to add some chopped carrot or cucumber to your morning snack. Frozen, canned and fresh are all great options.

By Emma McShane, Dietitian, edited by Nicole Bando (APD & IBCLC), October 2022

Alcohol & zero alternatives

Drinks may be flowing in December, are you worried about overdoing it? Text Try these tips:

  • Space them out: Alternate alcohol with water or bubbly water, to reduce overall alcohol and keep you hydrated.
  • Pouring at home? Know your serves: 100mls wine & sparkling, 30mls spirits, 285mls beer (less than a stubby), 425mls light beer, 285mls cider.
  • Limit cocktails, they are very high in sugar and contain multiple standard drinks.
  • Be the nominated driver: If you have lots of parties, can you go alcohol free for some?
  • Try zero alcohol options: a great alternative to alcohol. Check the labels before buying as remember they may also be high in sugar and added chemicals. We found these good options:
  • Dash peach infused sparkling water
  • Polka botanical non-alcoholic spirit
  • Iced tea homemade e.g. with a teabag and sparkling water

I’m breastfeeding, can I drink alcohol?

The safest option whilst pregnant and breastfeeding is to avoid alcohol altogether, as it can reduce breastmilk production and impact baby’s growth and development. Alcohol is present in breastmilk in the same levels as the bloodstream and it takes approximately 2-3 hours for the mother’s body to clear the alcohol in one standard drink. This time increases with each drink consumed. So if choosing to consume alcohol, wait around 2 hours before breastfeeding. Any milk expressed before the 2-hour window will need to be discarded, as it is not safe for the baby to consume. If there are times where a mother plans on drinking more than one standard alcoholic drink, plan ahead and express some breast milk beforehand to feed baby during this time. Below are two links to resources for further information:

By Emma McShane, Dietitian & Nicole Bando, APD, IBCLC

Nutrition for kids over Christmas & school holidays

I have spoken to many parents feeling a little concerned that Christmas & school holidays may throw their nutrition routine out the window. Whilst that is ok for a short time, it is absolutely possible to celebrate and have some balance too, hooray! . Try these tips for your family:

  • Don’t restrict yourself or the kids. Feed yourself and children as usual leading up to social events. So for Christmas lunch, eat a normal breakfast and morning tea if late lunch. It is best not to attend events so hungry that it is difficult to think straight, as this often leads to eating beyond fullness and makes it difficult to listen to those body cues.
  • Encourage and guide your children to learn their hunger and fullness cues, practice eating slowly and waiting 20-30 minutes after eating to decide if still hungry.
  • At other times, stick to meal structure, try to choose foods from the five core food groups; fruit, vegetables, meat and meat alternatives, dairy and dairy alternatives and grains/cereals, as these foods provide best energy for growing and learning.
  • Engage in active play as a family. Take a ball or Frisbee to a picnic.
  • If you are taking a plate, why not try a balanced option, such as wholegrain crackers, chopped fruit, vegetables, cheese, dips such as hummus & tzatziki.

Healthy snacks at home:

Choose fresh, natural, unprocessed foods, where possible:
–    Cheese (tasty or cottage) on seeded crackers
–    Fresh fruit cut-up
–    Carrot, cucumber or tomato cut-up and served with hummus.
–    Yoghurt
–    Popcorn (for children over 3 years of age).
–    Healthy bliss balls
–    Boiled eggs
–    Nuts and seeds
–    Canned beans e.g. chickpeas

How do treat foods fit in?

There is no such thing as a ‘bad’ food, as balance is the key. Treat foods do fit into healthy eating, sometimes. Parties and special occasions are those time to include these foods, the rest of the time, offer healthy snacks and meals.

Is nutrition actually important over school holidays?

School holidays add up to 14 weeks of the year – that is over 3 months, or 25% of your child’s total diet! Keep a similar routine to school, with meals at similar times. Encourage eating at designated times rather than snacking throughout the day to promote hunger at meal times. Promote physical activity, encourage your kids to play outside and reduce time spent on screens. Hunger levels may be different to the school year, if activity levels are different too.

By Emma McShane (Dietitian) & Nicole Bando (APD, IBCLC), December 2022